Newsletter: Summer is in full swing

Newsletter: Summer is in full swing

The Spruce Root team enjoys many outdoor summer activities including hiking, boating and subsistence gathering. We also have been busy partnering with Chilkoot Indian Association to provide Business Basics Online for CIA and Haines-based Alaska Arts Confluence artists. In addition, the City and Borough of Yakutat Planning Commission encourages Yakutat residents to take a community planning survey to inform the direction of the community for the next 10 years.

Newsletter: Summer is almost here

Newsletter: Summer is almost here

The fiddleheads have popped up, the devil's club tips are unfurling and we even saw some posts that some morel mushrooms made an appearance in Southeast Alaska. We are excited for the return of summer and all the outdoor activities it provides, but we're also excited to offer services and resources and a bunch of opportunities to Southeast Alaska communities.